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Hemi Ahio Gets Split Decision Over Faiga Opelu

Hemi Ahio avenged his 2022 loss to Faiga Opelu by securing a ten-round split decision victory in an entertaining bout at the Viaduct Events Centre in Auckland, New Zealand.


Auckland, New Zealand (September 14, 2024) - In an intense rematch at the Viaduct Events Centre in Auckland, Hemi Ahio successfully avenged his 2022 loss to Faiga Opelu by earning a ten-round split decision victory. The entertaining bout saw both fighters showcasing resilience and power, but Ahio’s superior stamina and consistency ultimately carried the day.

Faiga Opelu started strong, likely taking the first two rounds, but Hemi Ahio gained control by the third.

The fight started strong for Opelu, who came out aggressively and likely secured the first two rounds. His fast pace and determination initially gave him the upper hand, with Ahio needing time to adjust. However, by the third round, Ahio began to find his rhythm, using his experience and timing to counter Opelu’s advances effectively. Despite Opelu continuing to fire back, it became evident that Ahio was starting to control the fight.

As the bout entered the later rounds, Ahio’s superior conditioning came into play. By the seventh round, Ahio had taken command of the fight, landing the cleaner and more powerful shots. While Opelu remained a dangerous opponent throughout, he visibly began to tire, allowing Ahio to capitalize on his opportunities and score with effective combinations.

The judges’ split decision reflected the competitive nature of the bout, but Ahio’s consistent pressure and strong finish left little doubt in the minds of many that he deserved the win. This victory opens the door for Ahio to pursue bigger paydays and potential matchups against higher-ranked opponents.

With this win, Ahio moves closer to achieving more significant opportunities on the international stage, proving that his comeback following the 2022 loss is well underway.

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Hemi Ahio
Faiga Opelu
Boxing News
Heavyweight Boxing
2024-09-14 7:30
2024-09-14 21:13